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I had on some pretty shoes, but they gave me trouble all night. Ladies, why do we do this to ourselves? I gave up heels at the beginning of the year, but they are like the mob ... they keep pulling me back in! Anyway, I tumbled to the stage and gave away an award with Anne ...
Can you see the clear teleprompter things next to the podium? Very presidential, lol. The one on Anne's side was blank or I had the wrong angle to catch it and the one on my side worked, but my angle didn't allow for me to see the whole thing, it was too funny. Good thing I memorized my lines before the show. Too funny. The event was at the Hyatt at Grand Central Terminal and was presented by Omnicom Group, Publicis Groupe, Rokk Vodka, which btw I recommend the apple flavor :-).I tell you the sponsors not because they are paying me, but so you can see the companies involved in causes I believe in, which is equality for all and the portrayal as such in media. I can remember when the Cosby's first aired on television people acted like it was an unrealistic portrayal of an African American family, just to pander to the audience asking for more positive portrayals. To me, it wasn't unrealistic because at the time my dad was a doctor and my mom a lawyer, with many of the same story lines. So, there's something very powerful about media showing all people in a realistic light. It empowers people in a major way and I'm in support of that. But like I say, it was a wedding, over in 2 seconds! Before we went on there was a really funny performance by Mad Men star and host of the evening Brian Batt (Salvatore, if you watch!). He has a one man show on the way called "Batt on a Hot Tin Roof" that begins in a few days if you happen to be in the area. He's hilarious and has a nice voice! Ok, so after Anne and I gave Levi's Gay History Month/Logo Leaders Campaign the award for Outstanding TV Campaign - LGBT Market, I headed back to the little green room to catch a picture with someone I was chatting with just before we went on ...
It's Bethenny Frankel!! She was so nice! Even her assistants were nice, which isn't always the case and I found it refreshing. I watch most of the Housewives shows and even watched her spin-off show. There were so many people there! Bravo's Andy Cohen also presented an award and I even caught a glimpse of Ru Paul's Drag Race winner Bebe Zahara Benet, she was so tall and had a really pretty blue dress on, I watched that season so when she walked in I said to myself "ok now we're talkin'!". She brought the glam! Ok, that's it. I didn't get anymore pictures, but I had a great time and was happy to be invited to participate.
I'm headed to my old stompin' grounds of San Antonio, Tx this weekend for Aetna's Healthy Food Fight! Join me at the Grand Hyatt this Sunday! Check the website, they have recipes and winners from each city listed. It's free to come and watch the cooks battle it out this Sunday, so come join us! I went to high school in San Antonio and spent 3 years of my Air Force life there, can't wait to see familiar places and faces! It's been 13 years! Way too long! Ok, I hope to meet you this weekend!
Don't forget the 8th season of Cooking for Real is underway!!! This Saturday catch the new episode "I Have an App for That". I share some small bites that'll get you through any home invasion of friends :-). My Fake Crepes are pretty easy and gooey fun, I also share my Pizza Bites and a recipe that is great with frozen or fresh shrimp, my Shrimp in Garlic Pepperoni Sauce. All are super simple and crowd pleasers. Hope you like the show!

I'm headed to my old stompin' grounds of San Antonio, Tx this weekend for Aetna's Healthy Food Fight! Join me at the Grand Hyatt this Sunday! Check the website, they have recipes and winners from each city listed. It's free to come and watch the cooks battle it out this Sunday, so come join us! I went to high school in San Antonio and spent 3 years of my Air Force life there, can't wait to see familiar places and faces! It's been 13 years! Way too long! Ok, I hope to meet you this weekend!
Don't forget the 8th season of Cooking for Real is underway!!! This Saturday catch the new episode "I Have an App for That". I share some small bites that'll get you through any home invasion of friends :-). My Fake Crepes are pretty easy and gooey fun, I also share my Pizza Bites and a recipe that is great with frozen or fresh shrimp, my Shrimp in Garlic Pepperoni Sauce. All are super simple and crowd pleasers. Hope you like the show!
Cooking for Real, Food Network, this Saturday at NOON!
Tell a food friend, don't be stingy, unless it's biscuits :-)
You look stunning Sunny!!! And yes, the heels are like the mob. You just need to find the right one and pretty soon you will be cookin' in stilettos ;)
That photo of you and Bethanny - love!
lys, yaaaaaay!! thanks girl! a lil secret, i have found the right heels that fit and feel like a sneaker, the thing is they cost 900bux!!! like seriously????!!! so, i bought them and want to wear them to every single event to get my money's worth. my stylist wouldn't let me last night. and the shoes were divine. but after last night, i'm gonna do what i want, they are my feet! lol. jut don't make fun of me when you see me wearing the same heels over and over again! fyi, ysl.
You look wonderful! What a beautiful dress! I couldn't pull that off, but you did and you look great! And I know what you mean about the shoes. Now that I walk to work, I have to find some comfortable shoes. My cute shoes just aren't cutting it! I'm almost crying by the time I get 1 block away from home, LOL!
Can't wait to check out the show on Saturday - those pizza bites sound like something I need to try.
Have fun in San Antonio! I've never been to Texas. It sounds fun!
Shrimp in garlic pepperoni sauce? Where's the dvr remote??!!! I gotta know what's going on with that!
Looking great Sunny! Been looking forward to this week's CFR....the title only had me! :)
Pizza Bites and Shrimp in Garlic Pepperoni Sauce? Sounds insane...can't wait to see the episode (and make the recipes as soon as I possibly can)!! BTW - will I see you at NYCWFF next week? I'm SO excited for the Festival!!
Holy hotness you look terrific in that zippered number!!! I completely feel your pain about the heels...I love to live in high heels most of the time. (Gives us shorter gals a boost!) During the day at work, I'm just fine resting those puppies under my desk all day. But running around for any after-work errands -- 'nother story!
You look RADIANT! I find it very hard to believe anyone would break your heart. Lived on Haven and Arrow,lol. Would love to have been your tour guide out this way. also, thank you for taking my waffle ordeal into consideration. I'll be looking forward to seeing waffles at its best! Dont forget PECANS!! Love them! lol> Tomas.
Hey Sunny, you look beautiful in that dress- love it!
Loved last Saturdays show. Can't wait for tomorrows show sounds delicious. Have fun in TX :)
Sunny, girl you looked sooo HAWT! Do you watch the Housewives of ATL? It's starting up Monday. I told myself I wasn't going to watch anymore of that foolishness but I think I am going to get pulled back in. LOL!
Sunny - did you buy the YSL Tributes??? if so, you better wear them next week in NYC - this gal will be at NYCWFF! Got my credentials this afternoon :)
Listen, I've learned when I've bought the higher priced shoes, I get my return on investment back because I wear them quite often and they last :) Congrats on the stiletto acquisition!
How cute is the episode title for today's "CFR"?!! Love.It. The recipes sound really good, also. Garlic+Shrimp=Deliciousness!
Very cool that you and Anne were able to present at the Glaad event, and I am so happy you both are in support of equality for all! My partner and I have been together for 13 years now, and our relationship is solid and continues to grow stronger everyday. (Shout out to my boo!) :P And I have to say how terrific you look, Sunny! Simply Marvelous, darling hehehe
P.S. I sent my pic with you to the Wendy show, for her "fan out" segment where people send in their pics with celebrities. I know you were on her show before so I hope Wendy sends us some love! :)
Really enjoyed the show today Sweetheart! I am such a shoe freak; you can hardly get into my closet for the shoe boxes. :) I'm really paying for all those years of wearing the heels when I was younger but only a knee injury was able to stop me for a while. Would you believe I still buy them and try them on from time to time until I can wear them again. You are just as cute as a button in whatever you wear and stylist are great but do what you want. :) Love you much and keep bringing the love.
Linda (B'Ham)
I am so thrilled that you magically found my blog! I was a little star-struck when I saw it was you. Thank you so much for leaving a comment. I have to say, my husband and I love your show and more importantly, every recipe that we've ever tried of yours has worked brilliantly! That's saying a lot. You looked stunning. And yes, seriously cute shoes... Go Brooklyn!
jen, thanks girl! i couldn't pull it off either lol, thank goodness for the zipper!! stick around for pics from satx!
cookin mama, yesssss shrimp and garlic and pepperoni! wonder triplets activate!!! lol. i am so happy i ran out of chorizo that day and had some leftover pepperoni!!
heather, thanks! hope you liked the show!! i love it when i can have fun with the titles! hope apple doesn't come hunt me down because i used the word "app" lol
holly, insane in the membrane!!! lol. hope you liked it! see ya this week!!!
lindsey, see you too!!! can't wait! thanks for the compliment on the dress, i didn't know if i could do it, but i did and i'm feelin more like a girl because of it! i am truly a jeans and t-shirt chick. this new job really has me playing dress-up! and about the heels, have you seen the "fast flats" from dr. scholls? BANANAS!!!!!!!!! i keep a pair with me at all times, even when i rock the kitten heels!
thomas, thanks!!!! and yes, people break hearts ... all the time, especially when you take people at face value. i am totally fine with my heart being broken, each time it got me to a better understanding of myself. truly. that guy in cali broke my heart so bad i drove back to nyc with $250 dollars to my name and a box of kleenex. cried all the way back ... but now, i'm a happier person. and sometimes we have to struggle to see the light. i'm happy with the process. did you ever get to the texas bbq place on the road to mount baldy?? what was that called, the route 66 road? geez, that was some good stuff!!!! and pardon my brain fart, i DO have a waffle recipe i shared on the show! it's chicken n waffles ... all this cali talk reminded me! google my name and waffles, it'll pop up!
reyna, thanks!! hope you like this week's show too!!! i can't wait for tou to see it. we made some minor changes this time around and you may not notice them, but they make the show run better. love it!!
toi, teeheehee! i'm gonna use that "hawt" :-). thanks so much, us thick chicks need some coaxin into stuff like that, but i did it and i'm happy, my guy thought i looked nice and that's all that counted that night, nice to get love from you too! thanks so much!! and yes, i watch the housewives, even "met" nene one time, she was ... what shall i say ... ummmm ... "above it all" if that makes sense. tv is a funny thing, people get pretty self important. it's just a job people! lol. i can't wait to see the new cast! dc is pretty fun, i really like the black couple and the lady that always cries, don't know names. and yes, girl, reality tv, heels and sonic onion rings are like the mob ... they keep pullin you back in!
lys, i don't know the name of them. they were black peep toe with a purple heel. wore them on the eat pray love carpet. forget callin em "tributes" those things need to be called "sneakers"!! i could've walked in those heels for a week!
charles! hey! i say garlic plus anything is pretty darn special lol. and yeah, i am AAAALLLLL for marriage equality and just equality for all. i don't get the objections, what is it doing to anyone else? it's like a sorority people don't want someone to get into ... i never was into to joining elite clubs or groups and i don't think i'll join that one until we can alll join it. some may not agree, but oh well. some didn't agree with school integration either. 13 years and counting, congrats! love is something special and if you find it, more power to ya!
duchess, that magical thing is called a google search!! i'm always on the hunt for people trying my recipes and talkin about it! i really appreciate it, so if you take the time to post, least i can do is take the time to say thanks for watching!!! even better you are in my backyard!!! yaaay BROOOKLYN!!! :-). in this month's food network mag, i have a page full of all my fave brooklyn spots to eat! hope you catch it! thanks so much for watching, it means so much!!
Hey Toi, I'm addicted to the "Housewives" series! I think it's a wrap for the DC ladies; that was about a snoozefest if you ask me. The ATL is where it's at though!! Sunny, I'm sorry to hear Nene Leakes was acting like that but she makes the show! Omg I fell out on last night's season premier when she was talking into the camera about Dwight and with a straight face she was like, "Of course Dwight had to get his nose fixed; wouldn't you if you wanted to breathe"? Or something like that HAHA I fell out! And the new housewife Phaedra is going to bring the drama too yesssssss!
Sorry, Sunny, off topic here! ;)
Hey, everyone got a response except me. It's your fault because you make us all feel like FAMILY! :) I understand that you're busy so no worries. I'm just being a big baby. Love you much. Take care!.
Linda (B'Ham)
Charles, it's definitely going to be an interesting season for the ladies of ATL. I really liked Lisa and her husband and I'm disappointed to see them leave. I will be tuning into tonight to see the latest drama. :-)
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