By the way ...
Who knew back then that video would all be archived?? I had a good laugh watching it! I should've worn makeup or something, which btw, I used to get in trouble for the color of my nail polish in the military, too funny. I get more of a kick looking at the old equipment, boy has technology really changed the face of broadcasting and journalism. Those days we checked and double checked sources, these days some journalists are so lazy, they'll take a tweet and use it as a quote to make a full story. Crazy, but also I guess the natural progression with the changing times, eh?
And Didja Know ...
Remember when I was at the "up fronts"? I mentioned it briefly in an unrelated post, then forgot to share, or didn't have time to share a picture of someone I met there ...

Yep, on the other side of me is Andrew Zimmern! The guy between us works with us in the Chicago office and if you didn't know, Travel Channel and Food Network are owned by the same company now, so it was neat meeting a few of the other people at the Travel Channel that day. Andrew was really cool and about to head out on another eating adventure. He asked if I would do a mini Q&A for his blog and I said suuuuuure! It's on his blog now, just click the link to Sunny Anderson on and read away!
Annnnnd ...
The best is saved for last ... I just got word yesterday that I'm booked for an appearance on The View!!!! Tuesday!!!! WOOOOOOHOOOOOO!!! I met Sherri Shepherd last year in New Orleans and blogged about it in my post called Essence Festival Wrap Up. I of course was thinking at the time, boy would I like to cook on The View and feed the ladies and now it's about to happen! My segment is with Sherri and I don't want to give away what we are making, but I am just too excited! Please plan to catch it or Tivo or DVR! More details as they come!
What a great video they put together!! How fun to see that now :) I went to college for Communications/Broadcasting. That was many moons ago (so it seems...). I watched myself not too long ago on a VHS tape I had from when I anchored the Sports show on our campus TV station - oh my. LMAO!
And yay for the View!! I don't watch that show but you know I'll have the DVR set up so I can catch you!
Sunny, you are so right about how lazy some journalists are becoming with the world of social media!
It is also sad about the misconception that all blogger are unethical while legit media is always ethical.
Keep you the great blogging here and churning more new episodes!;)
Congratulations Sunny on all of the public recognition that you have been getting! No one is more deserving than you because you are so appreciative and humble. I will definitely DVR The View so that I can Fast Forward to your part. I'm not a View fan but I do love Sherri and Whoopi. Starr, Rosie and Elizabeth ruined that talk show for me.
Oh in the previous post you mentioned that a previous NFNS finalist was getting a show. Was you talking about Jeffrey Saad? If so you don't have to worry about spilling the beans because he already has on FB. He announced on August 30th that he will be hosting his own show on the Cooking Channel called United Tastes of America (working title) which premieres November 16th at 9:30 ET. The show will focus on one iconic food staple such as burgers, pizza and etc,. That food staple is explored from every angle along with a look at how today’s hottest chefs are reinterpreting them in unexpected ways.
I'm so happy for him because I personally think that he was the front runner that whole season and should have won. He was Robbed!!! Hopefully this show will lead to him hosting a show where he actually cooks instead of showcasing the talents of other chefs.
Woah how cool that you met and are featured on AZ's blog!!! His is another that I read faithfully. You see, I used to date a guy who was an art director at Minneapolis St. Paul Mag so I got hooked on checking out the food blogs. AZ always has his own twist and take on the Twin Cities food scene and it's fun to read. Very cool Sunny, I'm about to head over to AZ's blog to check out your Q&A!
The Air Force video brought back some great memories from my days in Korea (Camp Casey). I spent some good days riding the bus up to Yongson! I need to book me some travel time @ The Dragon INN on Yongson :)
Great piece!
This posting inspired me to stick to the things that I am good at (tutoring, writing, online editing) and most importantly keep cooking. Because somewhere along, someone will recognize my skills.
I wanted to let you know that I appreciate the correspondence you have maintained and wanted to let you know how sad I was to miss your NY Food & Wine event at Comix. My friend forwarded the list of events for that weekend and I am crushed. I will be in LA for a wedding, but hope you have a ball. Good luck with the event and maybe I can attend a future event in NYC or we can actually schedule that cocktail or street food meet-up we spoke about.
Have a great time on The View! I never see it anymore since I sleep days/work nigts-I'll have to if I can DVR it once you get info.
Gotta love Andrew! Minnesota boy! Okay, he's not "from" here, but has lived here a long time (and still does if I'm not mistaken). He is always funny-on whatever local station I have caught him on. However, the episode of Bizarre show where they picked out the guinnea pigs and then ate them-yep, I haven't been able to watch since :)
KUDOS Sunny on be humble and thankful for where you are even though you didn't have this preplanned.
I love you're show! Have no shame at your video in the military; you look the same as you did in your 20's, today. You're a classy pretty young lady who is not afraid to get her hands dirty (in the kitchen).
Keep up the good work and be bleessed.
jen, that was pretty cool huh? and girl, i just found those very same tapes you have in my own collection and my bf got a good laugh at looking and listening to them ... very funny.
lisa, ita about the misconception of bloggers, one bad granny smith apple can ruin the bunch, eh? who knows. times are changin fast ... makes me feel old and i'm only 35. hope you catch the view!
cassandra, thanks. i am working so hard, but enjoying all of it. hope you like the show! maybe watching it friday will bring you back on board, it's much more friendly even during debate. i think we can all still be friends even if we disagree and this is the temperature of the show now, you'll like it. and nope, i wasn't talking about jeffrey saad, although he is getting a new show! i forgot to say that ... very happy for him! it's someone from this most recent season of nfns ...any more guesses???
lindsey, yeah az was really cool. very nice guy and i was making bizzare food jokes the whole time and he chuckled at them. funny dude. hope you liked the q&a.
eric, ha! i used to work with a guy named eric in yongsan! those were the days! getting kettles and cheese ramen in itaewon! glad you like the piece and it brought back memories!
camille, hey girl! how you been?? we totally need to meet up in my hood and get some cuchi frito!! when you get back from cali, let me know and we'll do it!
tamilyn, thanks!!! hope you catch it on dvr!!! andrew is a nice dude!!! i agree, some of the stuff is ... bizzzzzzarre!!! i don't think i could do the guinea pigs, not at all.
tzell, well, i don't think you can plan things, only strive towards them and hope you land it. thanks so much for the comment and for watching! i really appreciate it! and welcome to the blog!!
That clip was fantastic. It's amazing what hard work, a little inspiration and how life's curveballs can really shape one's destiny. Congrats Sunny - you have definitely made your mark on the Food Network and have been an inspiration to many, including moi :)
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