Hey there! Well, this one will be fast ... I'm taping The View tomorrow!! I don't know when it airs. I'll get those details when I tape and pass it on to you. I visited the set today for a rehearsal and actually showed up just as some audience members were leaving from the live show today. I got a chance to say hi to a few then I took my place on the set ready to rehearse a cooking segment with Sherri Shepherd ...

I have a fun and easy menu planned for tomorrow, but today it was sans food, just place markers, the producers, our culinary team, the crew and me. Here's my view from the stage ...

I can't wait for the real thing tomorrow. As I was leaving I ran into Nancy Grace in the elevator! I watch her
allllll the time and converted my guy to watching. We love her attitude and determination, but I really love how she honors the troops at the end of every show. Pretty cool to meet her. I'm about to knock out to get some rest so I'll be fresh and ready to go tomorrow. I tape late in the afternoon after the live show and then I'll head off to New Jersey to hang out and cook with the winners of the
Coolest Summer Cookout contest with Lipton! A full day of cooking away from home, I can't wait!! Thanks to everyone that came out this weekend to the
Healthy Food Fight with Aetna at the
Mushroom Festival in Kennett Square, PA. It rained off and on, but it didn't stop us from having a great time while tasting some pretty healthy dishes. I still don't know who won the rounds yet. Here's one of the contestant showing off her chicken dish. It was sweet and tasty!

Ok, that's it! Hope your week started off nice!
Hey Sunny! 1st things 1st: Could you be any more warm, welcoming and GENUINE?! You made my day, my week even- yesterday in Kennett Square, PA. You made ME feel like I was the FN Star; crazy! I'd love to meet up again in the future and this time I will have Tremaine in tow! Our b-days, (Tremaine and I), are in February and I know you mentioned February as it relates to your show so if that offer still stands...;) I'd love to treat him to a NYC whirlwind kinda weekend! As does the invite to come cook/chill with us whenever you're back in Philly area...2 minutes from Delaware, 25 minutes from Philly! (Did someone say Geno's?)
Hope you have a blast tomorrow at the show! I went years ago when Star and Meredith were co-hosts and it was a neat experience. My fav is Joy..."so what?! who cares?!" LOL...So a fun and easy menu, huh? Looking forward to seeing what you'll be making as well as you and Sherri together. And OMG you ran into Nancy Grace that is so cool. I'm looking forward to her new show she has coming on in the Fall.
Btw, Tremaine sends a big thx for the autographed pic! ;)
How about that rain on Sunday?! Ugh! I woke up and it was pouring. I wish it would've been a beautiful sunny day! I'm glad you still had fun!
It's funny because it turns out that one of my movers from Sunday is from Baltimore and grew up with Duff.
Good luck taping The View today! How exciting! I can't wait to watch and see what you make! :)
1) If you see Whoopi, tell her to look me up, I'll give her co-author status at the CD. I feel it.
2) In the post below, why was the first thing that popped in my head, when I read the title "BTW and Didja Know", did the phrase (from G.I. Joe)"...and knowing is half the battle" show up?
3) Great timing on the post 8:00 straight up. Time for 4th meal...or was that midnight?
charles, sorry i'm just now getting back to ya! i've been runnin around like crazy! i had SOOOOOO much fun chatting with you sunday! too bad tremaine stayed home :-(. next time, eh? i don't know my schedule yet, but the next time i tape you are more than welcome to watch it all come together on set! just invite yourself, it's that easy lol. remind me when you see me post about getting ready for the next season (cross fingers :-)) and i'll make sure you guys get in! there's no studio audience, just me and the crew, but it's still kinda fun to watch, i've been told :-). ok, hope you watch the show tomorrow!!! tell tremaine i said hi and i can't wait to meet him!!
jen, girl, the rain was so iffy it reminded me of chicken and waffles. teeheehee, chicken cuz it was afraid to really rain and waffles for the same reason, it couldn't make up it's mind. just kept starting and stoppin. we had fun though! hope the move went well! hope you like the show tomorrow, it is blowing my mind that i'm going to be on the view, i am starting to think i don't belong, no one in this business seems as excited to be here as me. here i am just cooking one day and now i'm meeting whoopi and barbara.
complaint dept. mgr., 1. i did, but i'm only just now readin this so ... will me telling her "thanks for all she's done for the arts" good enough? and lol, she'd totally love you. 2. teeheehee, i have no idea! 3. yes, nancy grace time. did i mention in the post that i did a nancy grace impersonation right in front of her? lol. wow, my social graces are lacking, but everyone laughed and i'm told after i left, she said she thought something i said would be a good title for her biography. and that was 8 :-), but i do indulge in the occasional 4th meal ... i not only cook for real, i eat for real :-).
Hi Sunny!
My son and I had the pleasure of meeting you in Kennett Square, PA. You were very sweet and I enjoyed chatting with you. Your blog is really nice! My husband was just looking at videos of you and you tried a very hot pepper-oh geez!
Ever think of getting on Facebook?
dianne, are you the mom of the future film actor? he was just so smart and cute! much success in his career if this is you ...if this isn't you, apologies, but he was such a cute kid! ok, i had a blast in kennett square, rain and shine! and yeah that pepper was HOT! i am on facebook, but i don't run it personally, food network does. as soon as my website relaunches, it'll be under my control. stick around!
I had a wonderful time at the Healthy Food Fight (cleveland) yesterday. You are soooo real! It was a pleasure to meet you. Im the one with the orange vinaigrette! Hope to see you soon. stephanie from Akron
stephanie, GIRRRRRRRRRRRRRL!!!!! that vinaigrette was SERIOUS!!!!! Hope your scores make it so you can share the recipe with everyone! tell your fam i said hi!!!
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