Hey there! Well, tomorrow is the day! I join the ladies on Friday's episode of
The View and assist host Sherri Shepherd with her foray into cooking at home for herself and her cute little son, Jeffrey. She talks about him plenty on the show so you get to feel like you know him and he sounds like a ball of fun, which makes since because so is Sherri. I don't want to give away much so I'll just say we had a great time. The segment is called Cooking Sherri and it's a result of her moving to Harlem and not being able to order the food they want to eat. We taped the show Tuesday and I was so nervous I barely slept the night before. I wonder if everyone gets like that? Luckily I had my girls with me to calm me down and make me look presentable …

That's my hair stylist
Hadiiya Barbel on the left and JJ on the right does my make up. These are two very talented women and I'm so lucky to have them by my side when I do because I share them with other women that have seriously busy schedules. We were all smiles and ready to go. We took that in our green room, and then right before the show we were escorted right by Victoria Beckham prepping for her appearance on the same show. She has a clothing line and had models there for a mini-runway show after her interview segment. The dresses were allllllll beautiful! I can't wait for you to see them, they've been on some A-list celebs and I didn't know they were her designs, pretty cool. So a few turns and an elevator ride away from our first green room was a bigger green room where all of the guests and the guests' guests (say that fast) could hang out before going on. There were pictures on the walls from all the seasons of The View and the lights were dimmed so people could watch the show on the television. Take a look …

I hung out in here for a second and the next thing you know it was go time! A producer came to get me as the previous segment ended and you can see in this next picture the hard working crew changing the set during the commercial break ...

We were only out there for about 6 minutes, but it was so much fun! I don't want to give anything away, but I will tell you one other thing I was nervous about. Whoopi Goldberg! You see, I watch the show all the time and whenever there's a cooking demonstration or food on the set, if Whoopi eats it, it's golden. Many times if the segment is hosted by someone else, she'll pop in from no where to steal a bite then disappears into the plush greenroom just steps away from the stage to share with the ladies, or not :-). For days all I could think about was first, possibly meeting her, but then if she would pop out during my segment with Sherri and take bite of something. I even said it to the producers the day before, I was excited about it all; Sherri, the cooking, The View and maybe even a Whoopi walk-on!! So, I did get to meet Whoopi and the ladies and even got a chance to tell Elisabeth how much I love her line of clothing because the jeans fit a regular-sized woman like me. Everyone was so nice and you can tell it's such a good work environment, pretty cool. I hope you catch the show to see if Whoopi comes out or not while Sherri and I are preparing breakfast. Here I am with Whoopi after the show was over …

She was sooooo nice and humble and tiny. All of the ladies were tiny and just as sweet! Ok, to paraphrase the ladies … I hope you take a little time to enjoy The View tomorrow!! Check your listings, but it airs on ABC in NYC at 11AM for the satellite lovers!
Look at you! What a pretty dress. You look fab! Can't wait to check out the show tomorrow. I'm off this week so I'll be home to see it.
I would love to borrow JJ, Hadiiya and the person that helps with your wardrobe :) I need some major help! :)
Hey again Sunnny!
It's Shawn, from NJ..prob don't remember but I left you a comment once about how I love Cooking For Real..
ANYway, I'm watching you on The View right now.. I just wanted to drop in to tell you how gorgeous you look! Your hair & make-up looks so nice_outstanding! I love your dress too.. I can tell you have been hitting the gym and you look wonderful.
Keep up the good work.. I love Cooking For Real and I read your blog everyday!
Shawn in NJ
PS- You have one very lucky boyfriend there! I hope he knows what he's got!
I decided to watch the View instead of taping it. You are right the show is so much better now. Your and Sherri's segment was some much fun. She is so funny. I use to love to watch her when she quest starred on the Jamie Fox show as Fancy's friend.
Oh I figured out who also got their show. It's Tom Pizzica. He's hosting a show called Outrageous Food.
OMG - the segment was fabulous! I laughed every time Whoopi came back out to get more food :-) The muffins look delicious - do they freeze well?
Hi Sunny! I just got to watch your segment last night and I was crrrrackin' up @ you and Sherri. The way Sherri was whisking was too much. Now you and I both know that didn't make no sense! Haha! And when she yelled, "Jeffrey!!" while she was whisking-that made for a fun segment. And the way Barbara & Whoopi we're tearing them pancakes up backstage! I might have to make them tomorrow. That was a fun segment and great exposure for you-wtg!
And no worries on when you respond; I know you are some kind of a busy lady! I have no shame in my game to invite myself to you're set. Trust! ;) I would be so honored and so stoked!!! I was reading the reviews fom today's show that aired, (Salmon Pies), and I know it was a repeat but a reviewer named Justin from Nebraska said that he started crying when he took his first bite it was that good. Is that not, like, the highest compliment? I thought that was so sweet! Looking forward to your future projects and reading all about them. -Peace Out
Hey mee Amigo .......
Just checking in to say ....... Hi mee lady ....... God girl you're everywhere ....... Next stop ....... Oprah .......
Ken aka Nice View .......
Sunny, girl you always look so FABOLOUS! I have to ask you where do you get your cute shirts? I'm a fuller size woman and its often hard to find really cute shirts. What's your secret?
jen, thanks! i bought it online! i am the laziest shopper! no help on wardrobe usually when i do tv appearances, I just buy a dress or two online and my guy and bff approve it, then i wear it. I don't think i have great fashion sense, thank goodness all you have to do with a dress is accessorize.
shawn, hey! good to see ya here again! i must admit, i haven't hit a gym whatsoever, i actually think i've gained weight this summer because I was cooking winter meals in preparation of season 8. i'm a size 14 or 16 and you can easily see from looking at me next to sherri, she is a tiny chick ... i think people have the idea she's big, it's just her chest :-) hey shawn, thanks for checkin back in! i know how busy life can get, so it's nice you took time to stop by again!
cassandra, :-) glad you tuned in, way more civil with whoopi as moderator, eh? i have to admit, i like it both ways, civil or not ... it's women with differing views and i can really appreciate it. sherri was cool, i told her i remembered her doing stints on ellen degeneres' talk show and wanted more, so it was nice to see she has a bigger outlet for her humor. she was so kind and humble. and yep, you are right! Tom has a show! cool huh? i can't wait to give it a try! to know he started at one of my favorite places in brooklyn is pretty cool!
holly, YAAAAY! glad you liked it! i was sooooooo nervous! so nervous!! whoopi was cool right?? i just couldn't believe my luck. ok, about the muffins, they are a great freeze, but i wouldn't go as long as a month with them frozen. cool completely and then freeze separately before tossing in a freezer back. and then defrost in the fridge. "sunny morning muffins" if you google or search elsewhere. i'm currently redesigning my website (well, someone equipped to do a professional job is), so check back in soon for an easier way to find recipes and much more stuff.
charles, OMG wasn't that segment crazy? look, even if it weren't me in it, i'd say that looked like fun. sherri was funny, whoopi was funny and even barbara eatin one of my pancakes was like the cherry on top! or shall i say blackberry syrup on top :-). and wow, thanks for telling me about that salmon pie comment. i do read them from time to time and find recipe errors and things i need to make clear in the recipes. i've even made some changes to the online recipes because of comments, so they are very helpful. i've cried before when having a first bite, so it's pretty neat someone had the same experience. us food people are pretty passionate, eh? ok, keep in touch. totally open invite for you and tremaine the next time i tape. :-)
ken, heyyyyyyyy! well, i went on vacation and as a joke i told my bff/assistant not to bother me with work stuff unless oprah called lol. i must admit, it would be neat, but i also must admit, i don't see where i would fit in. i'm not a big star or anything and she mostly has people on that have household name recognition. if not, there's some tragedy or a story to tell. i have a story to tell, like we all do, but i don't see it. she did have a cooking segment a couple of years ago and i think a sandwich contest if i remember. it would be neat to meet her one day, but i fear with this being her last season ... i may not make it on the show. how bout we just cross our fingers i get to meet someone else i look up to? that's general enough, it just may happen ken.
toi, thanks! that's what my guy says, but i totally disagree lol. ok, so for the shirts. i wear a large or x-large and many times it's from ny & co., lucky brand, calvin klein, I.N.C (which is a store brand i think). i've just found some jeans in lane bryant, but the tops are huuuuuuge. do you find that same problem? there's either a too tight regular sized person shirt or a tent in the big girl store? where's the place for the in betweens like us? do you have a ny&co? i shop there often because the prices are pretty low and they always have size 16s and the tops are always generous and cut well if you have a big chest and arms like me. hope this helps!
Hey Sunny, I can totally relate! We are about the same size sounds like. I'm a size 14/16 also and practically live in NY&Co! Just bought some things today. They are one of the few places here in Montgomery, AL (your old stumping ground LOL) that carry tall length pants which is a must for me. I'm going to check out some of the other brands you named. I think Macy's carries I.N.C.
p.s. I'm loving the new season!
toi, girl i just left ny&co today! they had a sale and i love the stack of coupons you get when you check out! yeah, we are the same size! i'm trying to get back to a 12, but don't mind hovering in the 14/16 zone ... especially with winter on the way :-). thanks for catching the new shows! yaaaaaay "the gump" is here! try the house of dereon jeans and even calvin klein has some skinny jeans for us thick chicks!
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