Hey there! Well, I'm midway through my week filling-in on Martha Stewart's Sirius morning show, Morning Living. The usual co-host Kim is taking time off, so all this week I was invited to sit in with host her co-host, Betsy. The show airs from 7-10AM Monday through Friday on Martha's Sirius/XM channel, so all this week I'm waking up like I'm in basic training again. :-) Luckily for us, on Tuesday we got a wake up call from acapella group Rockapella. And I do mean wakeup, take a listen ...Sounds pretty cool, huh? This is just one of the jingles they are known for singing in commercials. Others include Dr. Pepper, Almond Joy, Budweiser and because I did a quick internet search I knew to ask them about the Preparation H jingle I'd never heard of. I didn't get it on video, but it was hilarious. Worth a look around on the internet. If you like acapella music they have a new cd out right now called "BANG!". Sounded great! If you want more videos and behind the scenes stuff from this week, Martha Stewart Radio has a blog and even posted more video of Rockapella Live on Morning Living.
We also had on Chef Gavin Kaysento talk about braising (!!Loud!! music on that link if you are at work). The great thing is I was already set to braise some beef because my guy requested it on Monday, so when Chef Kaysen mentioned his braising trick, I took it and ran. What's the trick? Nothing major, just a way to cover a dish without needing a lid ...Use parchment paper! The good thing about this is it keeps the tips that peek out from your braising liquid from getting dry and tough, while still creating steam so every thing cooks. Something Chef Kaysen didn't get a chance to mention is how this method also allows a bit of the moisture to evaporate around the edges, giving you a thicker consistency without using a thickening agent, verrrry nice. Here's how my Beef and Barley Stew kicked off after I seared all the beef chunks with olive oil, salt and pepper ...It's the usual suspects. Some people call it a mirapoix (MEER-uh-pwah) or French for the combination of celery, carrots and onion, but I often add one or two other things to my base flavor so I call it a mirapoix plus 2. The two extra ingredients here are parsnips and garlic, then I threw in some spices. I'm really on a parsnip kick lately. I love all the eating seasons, but I think this time of year, when the seasons are changing is the best! Just a few short, hours later and an addition of some wine, broth and barley in the last hour, we were ready to eat!!!On the bread was just good olive oil, salt and pepper. I toasted it in the already hot oven and called it a night! It was late and we were hungry! I was happy to make my guy happy with a request, because he almost never requests anything, he just takes what I make and it always changes so he likes the variety more than anything. I'll add this to the line-up on Cooking for Real so I can share all the particulars with you, but if you are considering braising anytime soon, give the parchment method a try. Really nice results and if you are like me and sometimes want to use a dish that didn't come with a lid, it's a great little trick that is better than aluminum foil.
Ok, one more pic, then I need to get to sleep so I can be awake and ready to go in the morning! Remember how I told you about my brunch at Prune on 1st Avenue and 1st Street in NYC? Well, I made plans with a friend last week to return and today was the day I fell in love again ...That's our plate of Fried Sweetbreads. I say OUR because the preamble to this declaration was both of us devouring our own plate of Prune's Fried Oyster Omelet. I was too excited when my friend said on the final swipe of her omelet plate "I'm still hungry!". I immediately suggested "Sweetbreads? Wanna split?" and she happily agreed. Actually when we first ordered the sweetbreads were the first thing that came to mind, but I just couldn't resist another plate of the omelet, so I gave in. Let me tell you ... I have had some sweetbreads in my life, but these are right on par with the best. Gee whiz. I mean tender, smooth and the crunch on the outside was perfect without being a tad bit greasy. Now, I'm hooked and know I have to go back and finish the whole menu. I'm an omnivore and I have no dilemma lol. Luckily it's not a book, just a 1-fold menu:-).
Ok, hope you have a chance to tune in, we are having a great time and just laughing the whole way through the morning. It's Martha Stewart Radio - Morning Living 7-10AM eastern, Sirius 112 and XM 157. Tune in and join us for some fun! Wanna steam it online for a free trial period of 7 days? Click here :-).
Ummmm, aren't sweetbreads like heart or stomach or something like that? I'm thinking I might have to pass on that dish, but the other one above-more likely to pass these lips :-)
How cool! And I've heard of those Rockapella peeps. Love the tip - good idea! And can you believe I have never had sweetbreads. They (it?) scare me LOL!
Thanks for sharing the parchment paper tip - I can't wait to try that next time I make my braised short ribs :-) And OMG - fried sweetbreads??? They sound so good, I think I drooled a little bit as I read your post...now I have to get back to NYC to try them!
That Beef & Barley Stew looks so good!! And how funny that you added in parsnips!! Maybe I should try them that way? That stew looks so good. I think I need to try something like that!
I just signed up for a free 7 day trial so I'm tuning into Martha Stewart radio! How fun that you got to do that this week!!
My guy doesn't request meals much either - he just eats whatever I make. So I get excited when there's something he actually requests!
Hi Sunny...do you know any good recipes for Pecan Pie? I've been craving one like crazy. But I would love to make one from scratch, so I figured I'd ask you. How you've been by the way?
tamilyn, yes. sweet breads are either the thymus glands and all the stuff up there or the pancreas and friends down by the belly. it's tasty and tender when done right, boring and tough when done wrong. you can try it! it tasted like chicken! :-) and love the word verification, every once in a while i get a funny one.
mary, yeah, they did carmen san diego and i only put two and two together when they left, my research skills were low that day lol. all i cared about was hearing the music! and girl, find a classy lil joint in your area and give the sweetbread a try. they can be bad, but usually if a chef decides to work with them, it's because they feel they can make em how they should be made ... give it a try, not bad at all.
holly, no prob, a slice of my grandma's red velvet cake being the only exception, i love to share!! next time you are in nyc, we can do a second hit on prune. i know i have plans to return in a couple of weeks or so.
jen, yaaay! thanks! it was gone on day two and i made a half pot which is plenty!! i'll pitch it for the next season of shows. i think i'm doing spring menus because of the airdates, but i'll try to squeeze this in as a season-change menu from winter to spring. and as for the parsnips, i say try em that way or in the stock of soup. trust me, the flavor is something you are used to if you like a good soup, it's just isolating it and having it alone really makes you pay attn to the flavor. for me, it's a bonus, but i know not everyone likes everything. give it a try though. you never know! for me, i worked through all the ingredients i claimed to not like and cooked them or used them in different things until i found a way to love them. radishes were the last thing i tackled just a year or so ago. love em on soft tacos for crunch and that's it! but it took me many radish uses to find the one that suits me best. food is like a pair of jeans - some make you look thin, some make you look fat and no one likes to try on a new brand or pair, but when you find what you like ... you stick with it. btw, thanks for signing up for martha the week i was there! i am gonna do the same, really enjoyed the content and can see using it in the background while i cook!
the duo dishes, i know right? the guy all the way to the left was doing the voice percussions. pretty cool to watch.
thomas, heeeyyyyy!!! i've been pretty cool. just working and cookin! how you been? i have one great pecan pie recipe and it's my grandma's. i'll call over to her and get the specifics. i do have a mini pecan pumpkin pie recipe you can find on foodnetwork.com, but if you want a good one without the pumpkin, try paula deen's mystery pecan pie. the only difference in what i've seen my grandma make is she doesn't use cream cheese like paula and maybe some of her measurements are different, but all the expected suspects are there in paula's recipe and it looks spot-on for flavor. the cream cheese can only help! so how have you been? if you've been around with out commenting, i'm always totally cool with you just reading, but thanks for the check-in! good to know you are still doing well!
I didn't realize that Martha had a radio show. That is cool you got to do it. I remember Rockapella from Carmen SanDiego. They are so fun!
After reading your blog you have me in the mood for soup now. Nothing better than a nice stew simmering on the stove with football on TV. I watched your show yesterday as I was making some pizza for the kids and the lamb looked delicious and I don't really like lamb!
Looking forward to some great Thanksgiving dishes to try. I love watching food network during the holidays.
2 questions - do you have a cookbook coming out anytime soon? And the big, glass bowls you use on your show, do you know where I can purchase them? I have googled and googled again, and can't find them ANYWHERE? Can you help?
Love your show. I think you're absolutely fantastic!
LOL! I love your energy! you make me feel very welcomed to your blog. I've been very busy lately. Working just about everyday, putting in that overtime. I just got a job for the MTA of L.A. so happy to have found something with some consistency. So I'm putting my heart and soul into this enviorment. So tired though, lol! I wake up, make & pack my lunch/dinner for the workday. Try and watch current events, (Daily show), lol! Then it's off to work with my Hour commute to L.A. mind you I live in Moreno Valley..lol. And I do it all over again, and again...and again.lol! gotta make that money. Then on my days off, I spend time with my son. I love him soooo much!!!! I try and make us home cooked meals as much as possible, but we usually hit up Costco's pizza, lol, His favorite. Wow! I just gave you the Cliff notes to my life's story, I'm so delirous right now, lol, It's 12 a.m. right now, and I can't seem to turn it off! OK!!!as far as the PIE, I love old school..I would love your Grandmas recipe. Sunny's Grandma..if you could be so kind, I would be indebted to you. Also, was it Dave and Busters the one you were referring to??...you know? the place with the computer thingys? OK, I'm off to get myself a drink, need to wined down. Goodnight S. P.S. if this comment seems surprisingly overwhelming feel free, not to post it. lol. ok, bye.
maria, hi there! rockapella was pretty cool. i love live music and acapella sounds great when it's right, it was right on point when they visited! pretty cool. hope you give the lamb a try! it's tasty and if you buy in bulk, it's not that bad of a deal!
leigh, welcome to the blog! i'm working on getting a cookbook out in the next year or so and the bowls on the show were available at kohl's, but they are haaarrrd to find. I'm working on a solution! thanks again for checking in on the blog and the show :-)
thomas, mta is a cool gig! good pension and retirement here in nyc is it the same in cali? i know the crazy cycle of work and how it can sometimes feel like you work only so you can go to work. sound familiar? i say try to move closer to the job so you can wake up later! if you do it right, you can write off a portion of the move on your taxes. and don't feel bad about the costco pizza, i'm really in favor of the big tub-o-cookie dough!!!! :-) and never mind the length or content of your comment, as long as you aren't cursing up a storm or saying something crazy, I'll always post :-). hope that drink did the trick!
Ummmm, aren't sweetbreads like heart or stomach or something like that? I'm thinking I might have to pass on that dish, but the other one above-more likely to pass these lips :-)
*word verification - chooven= chew+grooven
How cool! And I've heard of those Rockapella peeps. Love the tip - good idea! And can you believe I have never had sweetbreads. They (it?) scare me LOL!
Thanks for sharing the parchment paper tip - I can't wait to try that next time I make my braised short ribs :-) And OMG - fried sweetbreads??? They sound so good, I think I drooled a little bit as I read your post...now I have to get back to NYC to try them!
That Beef & Barley Stew looks so good!! And how funny that you added in parsnips!! Maybe I should try them that way? That stew looks so good. I think I need to try something like that!
I just signed up for a free 7 day trial so I'm tuning into Martha Stewart radio! How fun that you got to do that this week!!
My guy doesn't request meals much either - he just eats whatever I make. So I get excited when there's something he actually requests!
Those guys sounded great. Didn't know that was one group behind all those jingles. Lucky gig!
Hi Sunny...do you know any good recipes for Pecan Pie? I've been craving one like crazy. But I would love to make one from scratch, so I figured I'd ask you. How you've been by the way?
tamilyn, yes. sweet breads are either the thymus glands and all the stuff up there or the pancreas and friends down by the belly. it's tasty and tender when done right, boring and tough when done wrong. you can try it! it tasted like chicken! :-) and love the word verification, every once in a while i get a funny one.
mary, yeah, they did carmen san diego and i only put two and two together when they left, my research skills were low that day lol. all i cared about was hearing the music! and girl, find a classy lil joint in your area and give the sweetbread a try. they can be bad, but usually if a chef decides to work with them, it's because they feel they can make em how they should be made ... give it a try, not bad at all.
holly, no prob, a slice of my grandma's red velvet cake being the only exception, i love to share!! next time you are in nyc, we can do a second hit on prune. i know i have plans to return in a couple of weeks or so.
jen, yaaay! thanks! it was gone on day two and i made a half pot which is plenty!! i'll pitch it for the next season of shows. i think i'm doing spring menus because of the airdates, but i'll try to squeeze this in as a season-change menu from winter to spring. and as for the parsnips, i say try em that way or in the stock of soup. trust me, the flavor is something you are used to if you like a good soup, it's just isolating it and having it alone really makes you pay attn to the flavor. for me, it's a bonus, but i know not everyone likes everything. give it a try though. you never know! for me, i worked through all the ingredients i claimed to not like and cooked them or used them in different things until i found a way to love them. radishes were the last thing i tackled just a year or so ago. love em on soft tacos for crunch and that's it! but it took me many radish uses to find the one that suits me best. food is like a pair of jeans - some make you look thin, some make you look fat and no one likes to try on a new brand or pair, but when you find what you like ... you stick with it. btw, thanks for signing up for martha the week i was there! i am gonna do the same, really enjoyed the content and can see using it in the background while i cook!
the duo dishes, i know right? the guy all the way to the left was doing the voice percussions. pretty cool to watch.
thomas, heeeyyyyy!!! i've been pretty cool. just working and cookin! how you been? i have one great pecan pie recipe and it's my grandma's. i'll call over to her and get the specifics. i do have a mini pecan pumpkin pie recipe you can find on foodnetwork.com, but if you want a good one without the pumpkin, try paula deen's mystery pecan pie. the only difference in what i've seen my grandma make is she doesn't use cream cheese like paula and maybe some of her measurements are different, but all the expected suspects are there in paula's recipe and it looks spot-on for flavor. the cream cheese can only help! so how have you been? if you've been around with out commenting, i'm always totally cool with you just reading, but thanks for the check-in! good to know you are still doing well!
I didn't realize that Martha had a radio show. That is cool you got to do it. I remember Rockapella from Carmen SanDiego. They are so fun!
After reading your blog you have me in the mood for soup now. Nothing better than a nice stew simmering on the stove with football on TV. I watched your show yesterday as I was making some pizza for the kids and the lamb looked delicious and I don't really like lamb!
Looking forward to some great Thanksgiving dishes to try. I love watching food network during the holidays.
Enjoy your Sunday.
Hi Sunny,
2 questions - do you have a cookbook coming out anytime soon? And the big, glass bowls you use on your show, do you know where I can purchase them? I have googled and googled again, and can't find them ANYWHERE? Can you help?
Love your show. I think you're absolutely fantastic!
LOL! I love your energy! you make me feel very welcomed to your blog. I've been very busy lately. Working just about everyday, putting in that overtime. I just got a job for the MTA of L.A. so happy to have found something with some consistency. So I'm putting my heart and soul into this enviorment. So tired though, lol! I wake up, make & pack my lunch/dinner for the workday. Try and watch current events, (Daily show), lol! Then it's off to work with my Hour commute to L.A. mind you I live in Moreno Valley..lol. And I do it all over again, and again...and again.lol! gotta make that money. Then on my days off, I spend time with my son. I love him soooo much!!!! I try and make us home cooked meals as much as possible, but we usually hit up Costco's pizza, lol, His favorite. Wow! I just gave you the Cliff notes to my life's story, I'm so delirous right now, lol, It's 12 a.m. right now, and I can't seem to turn it off! OK!!!as far as the PIE, I love old school..I would love your Grandmas recipe. Sunny's Grandma..if you could be so kind, I would be indebted to you. Also, was it Dave and Busters the one you were referring to??...you know? the place with the computer thingys? OK, I'm off to get myself a drink, need to wined down. Goodnight S. P.S. if this comment seems surprisingly overwhelming feel free, not to post it. lol. ok, bye.
maria, hi there! rockapella was pretty cool. i love live music and acapella sounds great when it's right, it was right on point when they visited! pretty cool. hope you give the lamb a try! it's tasty and if you buy in bulk, it's not that bad of a deal!
leigh, welcome to the blog! i'm working on getting a cookbook out in the next year or so and the bowls on the show were available at kohl's, but they are haaarrrd to find. I'm working on a solution! thanks again for checking in on the blog and the show :-)
thomas, mta is a cool gig! good pension and retirement here in nyc is it the same in cali? i know the crazy cycle of work and how it can sometimes feel like you work only so you can go to work. sound familiar? i say try to move closer to the job so you can wake up later! if you do it right, you can write off a portion of the move on your taxes. and don't feel bad about the costco pizza, i'm really in favor of the big tub-o-cookie dough!!!! :-) and never mind the length or content of your comment, as long as you aren't cursing up a storm or saying something crazy, I'll always post :-). hope that drink did the trick!
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