So, when they asked me to come on Nate's show and talk about healthy eating ... well, I declined... 3 times. Just feels silly. I love to eat and I love to cook! I'm here to be myself, not to catch all the money and all the press. I'm no nutritionist, but I LOVE to eat and cook and I do all the bad stuff in moderation, but taking health advice from me ... I'm a size 12. lol. I'm pretty average. Not the stick figure people are trying to figure out how to be. So, anyway, how cool is it when I finally decide to say I don't feel comfy talking health, but love the show that they still invite me to come on? Love Nate! He's so sweet!! The staff is really nice and they even gave me a chance to talk about working with Scope and Crest! I hope I get to go back and make something tasty again! Ok ...
Check us out today on his show, if a video is produced, I'll link or embed it here. Until then, check your listings! In NYC its on at 2pm on WNBC-4 :-) ...
The DVR is set and ready to go - love the dress Sunny - tres chic! Nate is one of my fave shows - he's always got the best people on there :)
I'll have to check it out online. Comcast's web site was giving me issues so I couldn't record it! I wanted to let you know you look great in the picture!
Look forward to catching up with you soon! :)
Thanks so much for sharing this post and how you feel about talking healthy. You live your "cooking for real" POV and I love that so much - you're a true role model.
whatup sunny. i wanted to know when the "Fun with the Fam" episode is gonna re-air again
Hey Sunny! I know I'm late with this but good for you for doing what you believe in. Too many people are trying to be stick figures - it helps the confidence of women and young girls to see other real women on TV.
I just have to say you were fab on Nate. I ended up watching with my mother and we laughed and smiled through out the entire segment. You and Nate had amazing chemistry!
Hey Sunny! Love you and Love Nate! I appreciate your honesty and can totally understand your point of view. But I'm glad you chose to go ahead and do it. You cook like my sister and I do and are so down to earth. When I watch you cook its like being at a girlfriend's house. Being real is what its all about. Kudos!!!
Hey Sunny! Love you and Love Nate. But I totally understand your point of view. I'm glad you decided to go ahead and do it though.
Anywho... I just want to let you know that I appreciate how real and down to earth you are. That's what matters. You cook like my sister and I do so when I watch you it's like being at a girlfriend's house. Kudos!!!
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