#3. Portion Control
Ever wonder how we come up with how many servings a recipe makes? Well, this is a good example.
This is the filling for a recipe that as you can see, makes more than just a few servings. See if you can count how many. This isn't the total amount, though. When you have several shows to cook through, after cooking off a few for taste, now all we wanted to know was ... how many does it make? Then we can move on to the next recipe and cook off the rest later. It was a funny moment though when we did it this time because the final product was so yummy, we all dug in. Then after we all tasted it and made final notes on cooking time, we went around quizzing each other as to how many we ate so we could get a final count. It was funny because we all were counting aloud and going back and forth from the pan number to the number we thought we ate. A total "Who's On First?" feeling. This is in a show I dedicate to finger foods. The recipes are great for movie night in or friends over for dinner or cards or something. Hope you like it when it airs.
I'm really hungry now.
When are these new shows airing?
I need some help with finger foods. I've only got stuffed mushrooms and teriyaki ribs in my rotation. So no one gets invited over more than twice.
t2ed, can you believe ... these shows i'm developing now and tape in january, don't air until spring? so i'm making some winter for the people that still have it chilly in the early spring, then i'm rounding it out with fresh spring menus. hope you like em! u r funny, you have more than 2 finger foods, what you stuffin those mushrooms with? would it go well with your ribs shredded? on some crostini with and olive oil drizzle? i dunno, but people say there is only really one recipe in the entire world, so if you have two, there's more in there. look into it (your 2 recipes) and report back to me :-).
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