I can't even begin to tell you how much fun we had. I often tell the story of when she asked me to come on the show with her. Said it was going to be an episode completely to do with butter ... LOL. I was like, uhhhhh, isn't that every episode?!? LOL and then, I got clarity, not only was it gonna be butter laden, but we were gonna discuss it and make it the star. Again, that's not every episode?!? Teeheehee, just kidding. Let me tell you, I look up to Paula and when we hung out, she felt like an extra grandma. I do believe, she'd fit right into my North Carolina family. Such a spitfire and such a cook! Can't wait for you to see us together!!! A special thanks to her production team as well, they are hard at work producing The Chew!!
Paula's Best Dishes ... "Butterlicious" ... yes "Butterlicious" ... Today, Saturday @ 1030AM and Monday at 5PM!!!
My Compound Butter and Radishes (can't find a link or the recipe, but it's on the show)
Tell a friend, enjoy the fun!!!
i am such a big fan imfrom san antonio and i think you are sooooo pretty (you are kinda my ceebrity crush) and i love the way you talk its real personablei also love every thing i have seen you cook you are hella talented keep up the good work
Hi there,
nice show. I see you are an army brat. ever been at Ft Gordon in GA?
That's where I am.
Hello! I watched the show with Paula. Your Butter Pecan Ice Cream looked divine! I had no idea that you can make ice cream like that! I gotta try this. Butter Pecan is one of my favorite ice cream flavor!
Hey your really super gorgeous and curvy!
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